大鹰,关于你在精华区的树状结构存储过程的贴子的内容好像不对呀,我做了实验,只能取根帖,我改了一下,在query analyzer中可以,但在页面上只能显示出一部分,你帮忙看一下好吗 CREATE proc up_TopicList @a_ForumID int ,@a_intPageNo int , @a_intPageSize tinyint as declare @m_intRecordNumber int declare @m_intStartRecordint declare @m_intRootIDint select @m_intRecordNumber = @a_intPageSize * @a_intPageNo select @m_intStartRecord = @a_intPageSize * (@a_intPageNo - 1) + 1
/*求符合条件记录数*/ select "RecordCount" = count(*) from BBS where Layer=1 and ForumID = @a_ForumID
/*输出纪录*/ /*首先定义可滚动光标*/ set rowcount @m_intRecordNumber declare m_curTemp Scroll cursor for select 'rootID'=a.rootID from BBS as a join BBSUser as d on a.UserID = d.[ID] where a.Layer=1 and a.ForumID = @a_ForumID order by RootID desc , Layer , PostTime desc open m_curTemp fetch absolute @m_intStartRecord from m_curTemp into @m_intRootID while(@@fetch_status = 0) begin select 'ID' = a.[ID] , 'Title' = a.Title , 'UserName' = d.UserName , 'Hits' = a.Hits, 'Face' = a.Face , 'Layer'=a.Layer, 'ContentSize' = datalength(a.Content) , 'TotalChilds' = (select sum(TotalChilds) from BBS as b where a.RootID = b.RootID) , 'LastReplyTime' = a.PostTime from BBS as a join BBSUser as d on a.UserID = d.[ID] where a.Layer>=1 and a.ForumID = @a_ForumID and a.rootID=@m_intRootID order by RootID desc , Layer , PostTime desc fetch next from m_curTemp into @m_intRootID end set rowcount 0 /*清场*/ CLOSE m_curTemp DEALLOCATE m_curTemp GO