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自动获得远程图片 #Writ

自动获得远程图片 #Writ

更新时间:2022-08-16 文章作者:未知 信息来源:网络 阅读次数:


'将下文保存为 save2local.asp

url =  request("url")
localaddr = server.MapPath("images_remote/") '保存到本地的目录
localdir = "images_remote/" 'http 访问的相对路径
AllowFileExt = "jpg|bmp|png|gif" '支持的文件名格式

if createdir(localaddr) = false then
 response.Write "创建目录失败,请检查目录权限"
end if
response.Write Convert2LocalAddr(url,localaddr,localdir)

function Convert2LocalAddr(url,localaddr,localdir)
  'url 页面地址
  'localaddr 保存本地的物理地址
  'localdir 相对路径
 strContent = getHTTPPage(url)
 Set objRegExp = New Regexp
 objRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
 objRegExp.Global = True
 objRegExp.Pattern = "<img.+?>"
 Set Matches =objRegExp.Execute(strContent)
 For Each Match in Matches
  RetStr = RetStr & GetRemoteImages(Match.Value)
 for i=1 to ubound(ImagesArray)
  if ImagesArray(i)<>"" and instr(RemoteImage,ImagesArray(i))<1 then
   ImagesFileName = ImagesArray(i)
   AllowFileExtArray = split(AllowFileExt,"|")
   isGetFile = false
   for tmp = 0 to ubound(AllowFileExtArray)
    if lcase(GetFileExt(ImagesFileName)) = ALlowFileExtArray(tmp) then
    end if
   if isGetFile = true then
    newfilename =  GenerateRandomFileName(fname)
    call Save2Local(ImagesFileName,localaddr & "/" & newfilename)
    RemoteImage=RemoteImage&"||"& ImagesFileName
    LocalImage=LocalImage&"||" & localdir & newfilename
   end if
  end if
 for i=1 to ubound(arrnew)
 Convert2LocalAddr = strContent
end function

function GetRemoteImages(str)
 Set objRegExp1 = New Regexp
 objRegExp1.IgnoreCase = True
 objRegExp1.Global = True
 objRegExp1.Pattern = "http://.+? "
 set mm=objRegExp1.Execute(str)
 For Each Match1 in mm
  tmpaddr = left(Match1.Value,len(Match1.Value)-1)
  GetRemoteImages=GetRemoteImages&"||" & replace(replace(tmpaddr,"""",""),"'","")
end function

function getHTTPPage(url)
 on error resume next
 dim http
 set http=Server.createobject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
 Http.open "GET",url,false
 if Http.readystate<>4 then exit function
 set http=nothing
 if err.number<>0 then err.Clear 
end function

Function bytes2BSTR(vIn)
 dim strReturn
 dim i,ThisCharCode,NextCharCode
 strReturn = ""
 For i = 1 To LenB(vIn)
  ThisCharCode = AscB(MidB(vIn,i,1))
  If ThisCharCode < &H80 Then
   strReturn = strReturn & Chr(ThisCharCode)
   NextCharCode = AscB(MidB(vIn,i+1,1))
   strReturn = strReturn & Chr(CLng(ThisCharCode) * &H100 + CInt(NextCharCode))
   i = i + 1
  End If
 bytes2BSTR = strReturn
End Function

function getHTTPimg(url)
 on error resume next
 dim http
 set http=server.createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
 Http.open "GET",url,false
 if Http.readystate<>4 then  exit function
 set http=nothing
 if err.number<>0 then err.Clear
end function

function Save2Local(from,tofile)
 dim geturl,objStream,imgs
 Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
 objStream.Type =1
 objstream.write imgs
 objstream.SaveToFile tofile,2
 set objstream=nothing
end function

function geturlencodel(byval url)'中文文件名转换
 Dim i,code
 if trim(Url)="" then exit function
 for i=1 to len(Url)
  if code<0 Then code = code + 65536
  If code>255 Then
  end if
end function

Function GenerateRandomFileName(ByVal szFilename) '根据原文件名,自动以日期YYYY-MM-DD-RANDOM格式生成新文件名
    ranNum = Int(90000 * Rnd) + 10000
    If Month(Now) < 10 Then c_month = "0" & Month(Now) Else c_month = Month(Now)
    If Day(Now) < 10 Then c_day = "0" & Day(Now) Else c_day = Day(Now)
    If Hour(Now) < 10 Then c_hour = "0" & Hour(Now) Else c_hour = Hour(Now)
    If Minute(Now) < 10 Then c_minute = "0" & Minute(Now) Else c_minute = Minute(Now)
    If Second(Now) < 10 Then c_second = "0" & Second(Now) Else c_second = Minute(Now)
    fileExt_a = Split(szFilename, ".")
    FileExt = LCase(fileExt_a(UBound(fileExt_a)))
    GenerateRandomFileName = Year(Now) & c_month & c_day & c_hour & c_minute & c_second & "_" & ranNum & "." & FileExt
End Function

Function CreateDIR(ByVal LocalPath) '建立目录的程序,如果有多级目录,则一级一级的创建
    On Error Resume Next
    LocalPath = Replace(LocalPath, "\", "/")
    Set FileObject = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    patharr = Split(LocalPath, "/")
    path_level = UBound(patharr)
    For I = 0 To path_level
        If I = 0 Then pathtmp = patharr(0) & "/" Else pathtmp = pathtmp & patharr(I) & "/"
        cpath = Left(pathtmp, Len(pathtmp) - 1)
        If Not FileObject.FolderExists(cpath) Then FileObject.CreateFolder cpath
    Set FileObject = Nothing
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        CreateDIR = False
        CreateDIR = True
    End If
End Function

function GetfileExt(byval filename)
end function




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