该脚本的特点:应用Javascript的层技术,和一些function()使播放音乐的同时实现歌词的相应滚动。 使用realplay的rm格式音乐使下载的同时进行播放。 (该特殊效果对IE4以上都有效。)
演示: <html> <head> <SCRIPT Language="Javascript1.2"> <!-- var locate = 0; var scro = 0; var go=80;//控制滚动的速度,越小越快。 //以下函数实现滚动 function scroller() { if ( scro==1 ){ locate++; scroll(20,locate); clearTimeout(timer); var timer = setTimeout("scroller()",go); timer; } else{
scroll(20,locate); } } //--> </SCRIPT> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <title>Welcome to YI's Home</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#EEEEEE" > <SCRIPT Language="Javascript1.2"> <!-- var offsettop=20//定义层的相应位置
//定义随网页自动滚动的层函数 function makeStatic() { object1.style.pixelTop=document.body.scrollTop+offsettop;object2.style.pixelTop=document.body.scrollTop+offsettop; setTimeout("makeStatic()",100);//'100'控制滚动的速度,越小越快。 } //切换‘滚动‘和‘暂停'图像的函数 function scrorstp() { if (scro==1) {scro=0; object2.style.visibility="visible"; object1.style.visibility="visible"; } else { scro=1; object1.style.visibility="hidden"; scroller();} } //定义播放的歌曲地址 document.write('<div id="object2" style="position:absolute; left:20px; top:35px; width:46px; height:16px;cursor:hand; z-index:1 "><img src=http://cfan.net.cn/info/"zanting.gif" width="45" height="16" onclick=scrorstp()><font size="2"><embed height="20" src="Afainst All Odds Mariah Carey.rm" type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" width="45" controls="PlayButton" autostart="false"></font></div>') //定义‘滚动‘和‘暂停'的切换图像,onclick激发切换。 document.write('<div id="object1" style="position:absolute; left:20px; top:35px; width:46px; height:16px; cursor:hand; z-index:1 "><img src=http://cfan.net.cn/info/"gundong.gif" width="45" height="16" onclick=scrorstp()></div>') //启动Javascript function menu3(){ if (document.all||document.layers) makeStatic() } window.onload=menu3 //</SCRIPT>以下是歌词部分 //--> </SCRIPT> <ul> <li> <div align="center"> <center> <p><span class="font" ><b>Mariah Carey--Against All Odds<font face="Times New Roman" size="4">
</b></span></p> </div> </center> <blockquote> <p style="line-height: 150%" align="justify" class="font"><span class="font"> How can I just let you walk away <br> Just let you leave without a trace <br> When I stand here taking <br> Every breath with you <br> You're the only one <br> Who really knew me at all <br> How can you just walk away from me <br> When all I can do is watch you leave <br> 'Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain <br> And even shared the tears <br> You're the only one <br> Who really knew me at all <br><br> So take a look at me now <br> Oh there's just an empty space <br> And there's nothing left here to remind me <br> Just the memory of your face <br> Take a look at me now <br> 'Cause there's just an empty space <br> And you coming back to me is against all odds <br> And that's what I've got to face <br><br> I wish I could just make you turn around <br> Turn around and see me cry <br> There's so much I need to say to you <br> So many reasons why <br> You're the only one <br> Who really knew me at all <br><br> So take a look at me now <br> 'Cause there's just an empty space <br> And there's nothing left here to remind me <br> Just the memory of your face <br> Take a look at me now <br> 'Cause there's just an empty space <br> But to wait for you is <br> All I can do <br> And that's what I've got to face <br> Take a good look at me now <br> 'Cause l'll still be standing here <br> And you coming back to me is against all odds <br> That's the chance I've qot to take <br><br> Take a look at me now </p> </span></p> </blockquote> <p></p> </li> </ul> </body>