<table border="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#006699">
<% hang=41 '行变量 lie=9 '列变量 leirong=blie&" "&bhang for bhang=1 to hang response.write("<tr>") '------------------------------------------------控制星期开始 for blie=1 to lie if bhang=1 then if blie=1 then response.Write("<td colspan=2 width=108>第"&weektime&"周") else if not blie=9 then response.Write("<th width=93>") xqnotemp=blie-1 if xqnotemp=1 then xqno="一" if xqnotemp=2 then xqno="二" if xqnotemp=3 then xqno="三" if xqnotemp=4 then xqno="四" if xqnotemp=5 then xqno="五" if xqnotemp=6 then xqno="六" if xqnotemp=7 then xqno="日" response.Write("星期"&xqno) response.write("</th>") end if end if else if ((bhang+2) mod 4)=0 and blie=1 then response.Write("<td rowspan=4>"&(bhang+2)/4&"小节") response.Write(" ") response.write("<td>") response.write("实验名称") response.write("</td>") else if not blie=9 then '------------------------------控制实验名称、班级、任课教师内容开始 if (not blie=1) and ((bhang+2) mod 4=0) then response.write("<td rowspan=4>") response.write("<table><tr>") rs.open "select * from lesson",conn,1,1 ' response.write(rs("day")) rs.close response.write("<td></td></tr>") response.write(blie-1&" "&bhang) response.write("</td>") else '------------------------------显示第二实验名称、班级、任课教师开始 if blie=1 then response.Write("<td width=63 algin="&"center"&">") if bhang mod 3=0 then response.write("<span style=line-height:2; line-width: 20; vertical-align: top> <font style=font-size:9pt> 班级</font></span>") elseif bhang mod 4=0 then response.write("任课教师") else response.write("人数") end if response.Write("</td>") end if '------------------------------显示第二实验名称、班级、任课教师结束 end if '------------------------------控制实验名称、班级、任课教师内容结束 end if end if end if next '---------------------------------------------------控制星期结束 response.write("</tr>") next