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更新时间:2023-07-09 文章作者:未知 信息来源:网络 阅读次数:

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1. 提供足够的信息,让读者迅速准确地了解文献的基本内容,帮助该专业读者决定是否查阅原文,帮助相关专业读者毋需阅读原文就能获得所需要的信息;

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4. 帮助克服使用一次文献的语言障碍



This paper describes results of research in process on the feasibility of Pre-Earthquake for Post-Earthquake Rebuilding (PEPER)

长的文摘长达数百词,分成几段,类似一篇短的论文.有的文摘是由作者自己写的,置于一次出版物之前,称为作者文摘;有的则是由专门的文摘员或其他编辑人员写。目前,普遍根据内容特征把文摘分成资料性文摘(Informative Abstract)、指示性文摘(Indicative Abstract)和资料-指示性文摘(Informative-Indicative Abstract) 3 种。


Thee paper analyzes the petroleum-industry price and allocation controls that dominated US energy policy during the 1970s. It is emphasized that since controls on refined ?products tied maxilnuln prices to costs of production, ?the market effects of this regulatory system were quite unusual. The paper shows that controls induced firms to price refined ?products below marginal costs. In addition, the regulations tended to increase the degree of dispe rsion in prices charged ?by firms in the industry. Finally, in the context of multiple-product analysis, it is shown that the presence of effective ceiling prices for any of the products reduced the prices of all products below marginal costs.



New methods for the synthesis of submicmn Tib 2 powders have be en found and experimentally demonstrated. Three reaction schemes are proposed that can give submicron Tib 2 powders as end product.?Some properties of these powders are discussed.

文摘中仅仅提到合成粉末有 3 种反应技巧和讨论了粉末的性能,要想知道是哪 3 种反应技巧和讨论了粉末的哪些性能,读者必须阅读全文。


The author examines eight major residential appliances in the US that currently consunle 8.9 quads/year, representing more than? 12% of total 1984 US energy use. Expenditures on energy for these appliances totaled over $56 billion in 1984. Results indicate that improving the efficiency of all these appliances to economically optimal levels would reduce these annual expenditures by almost 30%, a savings of $17 billion per year. In steady state, the annualized? additional investment cost to achieve this efficiency improvement is $7 billion. So the net savings is about $10 billion per year. This paper describes and analyzes energy efficiency choices for residenfial appliances and space conditioning equipment. The first section briefly illustrates historical trends in the average efficiencies of new appliances sold in the United States during? the last decade. The second section shows results of the life-cycle cost analysis of eight major residential appliances. Results provide striking? evidence that the market is not achieving? economically optimal efficiency levels.



1. 目的和范围


  • This paper develops a theoretical framework to evaluate the benefits and costs of energy projects in oil-producing? developing? countries.
  • This paper presents an approach to equipment reliability prediction based on the concept that failures of electronic equipment are ultimately due to chemical, mechanical and/or metallurgical processes.
  • This paper ( report, thesis,work, presentation, document, account, etc.) describes ( reports, explains, outlines, summarizes, documents, evaluates, surveys, develops, investigates, discusses, focuses on, analyzes, etc. ) the results (approach, role, framework, etc.) of ...
  • This paper ( article, report, etc.) addresses ( is concerned with, argues, specifies, covers, etc.) the following? questions...
  • This paper has three main objectives...
  • This research project is devoted to…
  • The objective ( purpose, motivation, etc.) of this paper ( report, program, etc.) is...
  • Our goal has been to develop...


  • Procedures for testing atmospheric transport and dispersion models for distances of several hundred to 1000 km from sources of pollutants are reviewed.
  • The first known measurement of the differential cross section for electron capture to the continuum (ECC) from atomic hydrogen is presented.


  • New results are presented of studies of the applicafion of inorganic exchangers in the following? fields...
  • Detailed information is presented about...
  • An account is provided of...



  • The method of preparation is based on a chemical bath deposition process during which a cathode potential is applied? to the substrate.
  • The mechanical and cohesion properties of brass plated steel cords have been investigated? in dryhydrogen sulphide between 25℃ and 450℃.



  • It was found that both molecular weight an d its distribution affected tensile strength
  • It has been observed (shown, proved , etc.) that...
  • These experiments indicate (reveal, show, demonstrate, etc.) that...
  • The approach (method, framework, etc.) promises to be very useful for...
  • The (experimental) results show (indicate, suggest, etc.)that...
  • It is shown (concluded, proposed, etc.)that...
  • This could imply that...
  • This strategy appeared to be effective in...
  • These studies are of significance to ...
  • These results have direct application to...


一般的英文摘要为 200 词左右的一段文章,用标准的英语、规范的语法和完整的句子,简明扼要地陈述一次文献的目的、方法、结果和结论。文摘自身要完整,可以不依附于一次文献而独立存在。它应尽可能多地包含一次文献的信息,最好能保持一次文献的基调和风格,但不能出现一次文献里没有的东西。由于篇幅的限制,文摘不宜列举例证,不宜引用他人的作品,不宜使用插图和表格。为了提高可读性 (readability),文摘中应尽量少用或不用非标准的缩写词及符号,方程式和分子式,不宜过多地运用太专业化的术语。好的文摘应是:信息准确,文字精炼,连贯流畅,逻辑性强,通俗易懂,引人人胜。请看下例:

The nature of quality education is to nurture qualified people with creative spirit an? ability. The kernel of quality education is individualization accomplishing education.The premise of individualizational accomplishing education is to recognize that every student is unique, and we should conduct special education to every student in accordance with his aptitude, and help every student to develop his own individual characteristics. The key of individualizafional accomplishing education is to make every student be initiative to put the foundation on students, and to treat students as the main part of education. Do not excessively responsive, directing,? and demanding to students. Individualizational accomplishing education represents the humanity spirits of modern education.

1. 文摘的开头


(1) 用陈述目的和范围的主题句开始。这种方法开门见山,直截了当,使读者一下就抓住文摘的中心。如:

This paper describes recent modeling? and experimental studies of reverse combustion (RC) linking, aimed at understanding the propagation of dynamics of a RC front.

(2) 在回顾历史或总结现状的基础上提出问题。引出文献的主题。这种方法逻辑性强,丝丝入扣,使读者产生一种非一口气读完,找到解决问题的方法方肯罢休的强烈愿望。如:

Recent research on parallel systems has shown that the most difficult problem for system designers and users is inter-processor connection and communication. A methodology for the automated design? and implementation of inter-processor communication for certain multiple-processor systems has been developed and is presented in this paper.

2. 文摘的结尾


(1) 用「结论」结尾。如果是源于实验的论文文摘,常在结尾指出这些实验结果表明什么;如果论文是关于一种新方法、新工艺或新装置,结尾时可指明其用途或价值。如:

  • The results indicate that the sludge ash could be used as a partial replacement for cement in concrete.
  • Hot hardness testing promises to be? very useful for geoscientific purposes and applicable to a wide range of experimental research.

(2) 指出文献中的其他内容。如:

  • The consequences of changing? the timing? or volume of the material requirements are also considered.
  • This paper also includes a comparison with other flooding studies performed? elsewhere.

3. 文摘的人称
绝大多数英文摘要都使用第三人称(但不使用 he 和 she),间或出现 the author(s),the writer(s) 和第一人称 we,即使原文献作者只有 1 人,也宜用「we」
而不宜用「I」。请看下面这篇文摘,作者是 Ahmed E. Kamal.

In this paper we study local area networks based on the star topology. We consider different access protocols used for communication over star networks. The study is concerned with network performance. We present models for the analysis of existing? star network protocols. We also propose a new access protocol for star networks. The protocol has a performance that is very close to perfect scheduling. It is based on using the semaphore mechanism for bandwidth sharing.? We also present an exact performance model for this protocol.

4. 文摘的语态


Energy balan ce concepts were used to determine the amount of energy lost due to damping in a run-arrest fracture event. Possible sources of damping? were identified? and experiments were conducted to determine their relative contribution to the overall damping.

但现在许多科技刊物编辑和语言学家都主张在科技英语写作中使用主动语态。美国国家标准 (American National Standard) 要求科技作者「Useverbs in the active voice whenever posible; they contribute to clear, brief, forceful writing.」

5. 文摘中的缩写词


This paper describes a model of residential consumption of natural gas. The model is estimated with two different but parallel data sources: the Energy Infommtion Administration's (EIA) New Energy Price and Expenditure Data System (EPEDS) and data published by the American Gas Association(AGA). These data are supplemented by data for explanatory variables, which are described in the text.


  • 准备简明、完整、独立的文摘
  • 简要地陈述文献的目的、方法、结果和结论
  • 在有限的篇幅里尽量多容纳文献的内容
  • 文摘中定量定性信息应与文献中的相符
  • 使用标准英语和准确术语,遵循传统语法和标点规则
  • 不要在文摘里出现文献里没有的东西
  • 不要在文摘中陈述背景知识和引用他人作品
  • 不用非标准的缩写词、符号,也不用图表和其他非文字性材料
  • 当不太熟悉的缩写词第一次出现时,应注出全文
  • 删去不必要的单词、短语和句子




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