《方舟:生存进化》是一款由独立工作室Wildcard所制作的生存类沙盒动作角色扮演游戏。游戏于2017年8月29日登陆PC平台,随后于2017年11月7日上线XboxOne平台。 1、本指南包含定制你的单人及多人服务器的指令行参数的信息。 This guide contains information about Commandline Arguments for customizing your server as well as Singleplayer and Multiplayer Admin Commands. 2、这些指令要在服务器运行时作为指令行参数来使用.不能在游戏里激活参数. 示例如下: Server.exe TheIsland?listen?ServerCrosshair=true?MapPlayerLocation=true ServerPVE: 关闭 PVP, 你不能杀死别人了. ServerHardcore: 死后清档.从LV1开始. ServerCrosshair: 开启准星 ServerForceNoHUD: 禁用浮动的名字 AltSaveDirectoryName: 保存服务器数据到另一个目录 GlobalVoiceChat: 全服语音.所有人可以听到 ProximityChat: 文字聊天只有附近玩家可见 NoTributeDownloads: 不现实组外玩家 AllowThirdPersonPlayer: 启用第三人称视角(需测试) AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft: 显示玩家离线信息 DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined: 禁用玩家登录信息 MapPlayerLocation: 显示你的地图的位置 DifficultyOffset=0 to 1: 改变服务器难度 0 普通难度 1 3倍难度和更多掉落 ![]() Server Launch CommandsThese commands need to be used as commandline arguments when launching the server. You can not activate them in-game. An example would be Server.exe TheIsland?listen?ServerCrosshair=true?MapPlayerLocation=true ServerPVE: Disables PVP, you are not able to kill other players. ServerHardcore: When you die, your character is wiped to level 1. ServerCrosshair: Turns on a crosshair. ServerForceNoHUD: Disables the floating names. AltSaveDirectoryName: Saves server data to an alternate directory. GlobalVoiceChat: Voice chat is global, everyone can hear each other. ProximityChat: Text chat only appears to people that are close to one another. NoTributeDownloads: Turns off outside downloads of characters/dinos. AllowThirdPersonPlayer: Enables 3rd person mode (needs testing) AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft: Displays message when someone leaves the server. DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined: Disables message when someone joins the server. MapPlayerLocation: Shows your location on the map. DifficultyOffset=0 to 1: Changes the difficulty on the server, 0 being normal and 1 being x3 harder and more loot. 3、进服务器控制台和管理员登录 按TAB进入服务器控制台,然后输入 enablecheats 例如: enablecheats pass123 打不开?检查游戏设置的案件绑定.默认应该是TAB Accessing Server Console & Logging In As AdminTo access the server console press tab and type in enablecheats Example enablecheats pass123 Can't open console? Check your keybinding in the game options, it should be default set to Tab ![]() 左下角横坐标原点.左上是纵坐标原点.每格坐标跨度是10 本次分享游戏《方舟:生存进化》的攻略。 |