《方舟:生存进化》是一款由独立工作室Wildcard所制作的生存类沙盒动作角色扮演游戏。游戏于2017年8月29日登陆PC平台,随后于2017年11月7日上线XboxOne平台。 主要人物一览 方舟故事中四个主要人物的名字: Helena(海莲娜)来自澳洲的当代生物学家 Li Mei Yin(李梅盈)来自中国的汉末勇士 Rockwell(罗克韦尔)来自英国的近代化学家 Nerve(涅尔瓦)来自罗马的百夫长 他们的故事每个人都用自己的视角来叙述,互相补充,组成了一个有趣的方舟探险故事。 梅盈的笔记是中文的,大家大致能懂。涅尔瓦的笔记是拉丁文,我不懂,我只能根据拉丁文的英文翻译看。另外海莲娜和罗克韦尔在焦土也有故事。焦土另外两个人是一个美国西部牛仔黑帮老大和一个埃及女祭司。 李美盈-来自中国的汉末勇士 方舟的独狼女王——李美盈(Li Mei Yin)的生存者笔记 根据游戏内笔记上的中文,其自称是“美盈”。虽然“盈”字是后鼻音,就不要在意这些细节了。 四个人的笔记中。海莲娜和李美盈的配图都很良心,美盈的笔记中国水墨写意风很赞。 但是在文字上,这完全就是打印机打印的汉字。虽然说汉代末年正楷是盛行的,但也不能这样。好几个地方还有标点符号(古汉语是没有标点的,靠之乎者也断句) 文言文有部分地方感觉还是有点强行翻译或者现代思维的痕迹。 Where am I? How did I arrive? I have asked these questions many times since I awoke on this foreign shore, but I must stop. They do not matter. Their answers will not save me, so I will focus on a different question - how can I survive? This question always has an answer, though it is ever changing, and it has helped me find resolve in moments of uncertainty or fear. Just days ago, I never thought I'd fear again. I thought my fear died with the Yellow Turbans. Yet when I see a great lizard turn its eyes on me, I know fear is exactly what I feel. 今处何地?何以至此? 自醒于此,吾数遍问及此事,需停也。知其然亦无助于吾。定而自问,何以存而续命?必有其法,虽之常变,然慰吾于迟疑恐惧之时。 自黄巾军大败,吾已无所畏惧。然是日遇巨蜥,盻(xi,第四声,怒视)目相对,吾心之惧,自甚知也。 I am armed and clothed now, though crudely. My stone spearhead makes me long for my village's weaponsmith, but it serves. I use it to hunt the slow, fat birds that wander the coast. I do not know how such creatures survive here at all, but I am grateful for the meat they provide. I save my arrows for the more dangerous creatures - like the lizards with ears like fans, whose spit burns the things it touches. No, not just the creatures. They are not the only danger. Yesterday, I found footprints in the sand that were not my own. I am not alone. 今有衣衫护具,虽褴褛简陋。有可用之石矛,仍须铁匠磨砺。岸汀之上,有肥鸟,其行慢,常捕之。不知此鸟何以存活于此。然幸得其肉。 以矢克巨兽。有巨蜥,其耳如扇,其沫燃物(这个巨蜥到底神马鬼,孤岛图出生的能看到飞龙?哪个部落那么屌…)。然吾之威胁,非仅兽类。昨日寻迹于沙,吾非一人也。 Defending my hometown during the uprising taught me more in months than I learned in all the years before it. Among those lessons - men will always underestimate women in battle, and humans can be crueler than any animal. Both applied today. The footprints I found were not from one man, but three. Their eyes changed when they saw me, like wolves discovering a lamb. They were wrong. They were merely mutts. I was the wolf. Two died to arrows after ignoring my warnings. The last to my spear. I left their bodies out in the wild. I cannot stay here. The beaches are too open. To survive, I must brave the jungle. 忆当年,保驾护民于叛乱之变,数月所得甚于先前数年。其理可用于今时。男轻女于战时,人或狠于野兽。 沙中之迹,非一人,乃三人也。见吾色变,目炬如狼之见羊。错矣,其愚钝而不知吾为狼也。胁之,无果。二人命丧于矢,余一人,刺之以矛,暴尸于野。 岸旁地广,不宜久留,欲存而活之,须至林中。 Today, I scored a great victory. As the sun set, I happened upon a small village on a bluff. Unfortunately, it was besieged by a man who rode a lizard like a horse and wielded a stick that spat fire. It would have been safer to retreat, but I could not ignore the bodies. This was a slaughter. Surprise can be a warrior's most powerful weapon, and I wielded it effectively. My first arrow found the lizard's throat, and many more pierced the man's back once he tumbled from the saddle. He never saw his vanquisher. In hindsight, I should have spared the beast. A mount would be welcome. 今日大胜。 行至落日,见一村落遇袭。其人骑巨蜥,执火器,杀村民。若退之,可保全己身。然尸横遍野,不能离去,此乃兽行也。 奇袭乃兵家上计,吾善用之。射蜥于喉,覆人于地,顷而以矛刺其项背。是以待其亡,终不知何人所为。 是想,应保巨蜥一命,吾可用一坐骑。 The surviving villagers let me claim the lizard rider's armor and weapons, and gave me shelter for the night. To my surprise, I understood them. Their mouths moved strangely, but in my ears I heard the language of my home. They say it is the work of the metal object in my wrist. I do not understand, but they had no reason to lie. That night, I dreamt of the uprising, but this time I was Lieutenant Guan, lifting the siege on my village in a single, gallant charge. Yet when I woke, I was just Mei-Yin, and the villagers were gone. I am a stranger to them, but my heart feels heavier for their loss. I must carry on alone. 村民以寇之刀剑护具相赠,留吾过夜。吾大惊,竟谙其语。村人唇动异常,听若故里之言。村人曰,皆因吾等腕上之器也。不明其意,然村人不吾欺(宾语前置,即“不欺吾”)。 是夜,梦及叛变。吾为关公之副将,英勇率军,突出重围。梦醒,吾仅为美盈。而村人已去,虽为生人,仍痛其所失。 吾须独自前行。 The villagers had made taming beasts sound simple, but my first attempt was nearly my last. My prey was the same kind of two legged lizard as the raider's steed, what the villagers called a "raptor", but this one was strong. Even as my toxin laced arrows knocked him out, he was able to make one final lunge for my arm. He nearly took it. Carefully, I fed him scraps of meat as he rested, and when he finally woke, I kept my weapon trained on him. Only when I was sure that he was docile did I notice his appearance - all black, save his white shins and feet. Right then, I named him Wuzhui, and while I do not believe in fate, I felt that this beast would carry me home. 吾听闻村民言驯兽易。然初试险丧吾之性命。此物为二足巨蜥,形如寇之坐骑。村民名之猛龙,然此兽壮,虽施以毒矢使之昏迷,仍能刺吾之臂。然吾及时避之。 待其休憩,吾喂之以肉,其醒,训其以武器。及其驯而服之,始觉其全身乌黑,仅小腿及马蹄如雪白。名其乌骓,吾不信命,然觉此兽可携吾归之。 The raptors are improving. They know to follow Wuzhui, and Wuzhui knows to listen to me. Beasts without riders cannot maintain a formation, but they at least run close together. In time, they have even learned how to attack and retreat at my signal during our hunts on the plains. Together, Wuzhui and his five brothers are like a light cavalry unit, and I am their commander. Unfortunately, they are all I really have. I am not much of a craftsman, and have few possessions. Not everyone here is like me, though. There may be some who can craft but but cannot fight. Perhaps we could trade. 猛龙日壮,随乌骓其后。而乌骓听命于吾。兽若无人骑则不成队,然仍可紧密前行。久之,但凡猎于平原之上,兽群可听吾之指令,或攻或退。 乌骓及五兄弟一堂,宛若众兵,而吾为其帅。然仅此而已,吾非匠人,不善锻造,亦身无他物。 众人异于我也,或有人善于造物而不长于攻。吾或可易技与之。 The defense went spectacularly. Like many tribes, The Red Hawks relied entirely on brute force. They thought only of charging in with their beasts and their guns, with no regard for their surroundings. They never expected a sortie, much less one that came from their exposed flank. Our victory was so complete that my benefactors not only rewarded me with the weapons and supplies they promised, but extra pack animals to carry them. With each battle, my skills improve and my ranks swell, if only with beasts. I don't mind that. The people that I care about are back home. Until I return, Wuzhui is enough company. 吾之防,妙也。赤鹰族进攻之法有如余部。率众兽,携枪支,全以蛮力冲袭而来,枉顾周遭其他。未料吾之伏击,出其不意,袭以侧翼。 吾大胜,恩人守信,施以利器及所需,又加众兽以载物。每战吾技皆有所进,吾位亦有所升。然有兽群在,技位于我,皆无所谓也。吾在意之人,皆已归乡。返乡之前,得乌骓伴吾左右,足矣。 本次分享游戏《方舟:生存进化》的攻略。 |