《流放之路》是Grinding Gear Games研发的一款角色扮演类游戏,2016年3月25日腾讯游戏宣布代理此款游戏,于2016年5月开始国服首测。《流放之路》继承了《暗黑破坏神》系列玩法的精髓,并在此基础上进行了自由度和深度的扩展。 ARPG游戏流放之路目前已经公布即将推出3.12新版本,新版本中新追加了部分装备和技能,下面给大家带来3.12版本诅咒技能详解
In Path of Exile: Heist we're making some changes to curses to provide incentive to self-cast them. We've made some small changes to existing curse mechanics, improved their visuals and added one new curse skill and one new support gem. 新赛季我们将对诅咒进行改动来激励玩家通过自施法的方式来使用诅咒。我们稍微调整了已存在的诅咒机制,提升了它们的视觉效果并增加了一个新的诅咒技能和一个新的辅助宝石。 An Overview of Curses(诅咒概览) Curses are among some of the first skills that were introduced to Path of Exile. Over time, we've introduced a number of ways to take advantage of their mechanics like the Blasphemy Support which creates a curse-aura, or adding the ability to apply curses with the Curse on Hit support. 诅咒是POE里最早推出的一类技能。随着游戏发展,我们已经设计出一系列方式来发挥其机制优势,比如制造出诅咒光环的比如诅咒光环(辅)、直接施加诅咒的击中附加诅咒(辅)。 While having a number of methods of applying a curse is certainly a good thing, there was a lot of automatic-cursing going on and we wanted to give some incentives to those who wanted to take the time to actually cast a curse manually on a pack of monsters. 施加诅咒的方式的多样性增加固然是好事,自动诅咒(automatic-cursing)也被大量玩家使用。因此我们想出了一些方法来激励那些愿意花时间来手动诅咒怪物的玩家。 While we were doing this, it felt like a good opportunity to review all curse gems and see what other improvements could be made. We were going to see if we could add any new curses to the pool, but found that the current set of curses already covers pretty much every niche we wanted. However, this didn't stop us from making other gems that could interact with them in some way. 与此同时,这次的改动也是一次回顾所有诅咒技能和查看其提升潜力的好机会。我们本来打算加入一些新的诅咒技能,然而现有的诅咒种类已经足够了。尽管如此,这不会影响我们设计出与诅咒技能联动的其他技能。 To this end, we've added one new skill gem, one new support gem, reworked a number of curse skills and improved their visual effects. 总而言之,我们添加了一个新的诅咒技能和辅助技能石,重做了大量诅咒技能并提升了它们的视觉效果。