电脑大家应该不怎么陌生吧!现在电脑已经普及到大多数人的家庭之中了,电脑的用途非常地广,不同年龄段、不同行业的人对电脑的用处不同。但是对于很多的年轻人来说电脑最大的用途就是玩游戏了。电脑游戏大家肯定玩过吧!它可以使人上瘾。 来源:21cn游戏频道
好了,上个星期大家刚刚纠结玩法师的烧蓝问题,这周大家又来轰轰烈烈地讨论其[暗黑3]里面的血球设定了(IMO,暴雪官方已经就血球的设定解答过了,还在纠缠,玩家的精力还真旺盛……)。众所周知,在[暗黑3],游戏是取消了[暗黑2]的血瓶设定的,玩家要补血的话,必需要捡起怪物血球或者等自身回复血量的,这个设定可以说是暴雪设计人员对[暗黑2]里面靠血瓶堆死BOSS的情况的一个改正,目的是提高游戏的可玩性。但是玩家就是这样不死心,总希望自己的生命更有保障些……结果就有以下这段问题和回复的出现。 以下为蓝帖时间~~
网友: When i first heard about Orbs, i hated it. Im still not entirely fond of it, though I can understand what made the developers choose to implement them. The one thing i dont like is that i don't have control of my character. What if, for example, I dominate 2-3 waves of monsters, gaining a load of health orbs. Then I progress through the level, and get decimated by a few archers, and unfortunately, they drop no health orbs. I have 2 choices, push forward, and hope for an orb, or make the decision to trek back and pick up one of the orbs that i didn't need earlier. IMO, these are 2 very annoying choices. So how can you fix this? Well heres my suggestion:
Lets say you are at full health, and a 2 health orbs drop. Normally, you'd be forced to bypass them, so you don't waste them. Then you progress further into the dungeon, leaving those 2 very helpful items behind. How about instead of simply leaving them behind, or collecting them and gaining nothing, you can collect them and save them for later, just like a potion. They would appear in a specific area on your UI, and you would use them just like you would a D2 potion (by clicking). HOWEVER. They wouldn't last forever, only for a short amount of time. So you are at full health, and 2 orbs drop. You pick them both up. The Orb section of your UI lights up, and a 2 appears. Perhaps it could function similarly to the Barbs Fury system. It would slowly empty over time. When you decide to use it, it takes the remaining points and adds them to your health.
With this idea, you are encouraged to do well, and to quickly move from one area to another. You are also rewarded for doing well in fights, so when you move on to the next encounter, you have a little extra padding so you can take an extra risk. Not only that, but the orbs wouldnt feel so wasteful if you are doing well.
Bashiok: Yeah the idea of picking up health globes while at already full health and having them still provide some type of benefit has been an idea bouncing around these halls for quite a while. If I were a betting man, and I'm not because I'm horrible at it, I'd reckon that there might be something we do with that. I play a decent amount of TF2 so I'm sort of partial to the medic-style overheal that then slowly ticks down over time. It could work. It may also be completely unnecessary.
Anyway, the barbarian has to concern himself with health quite a bit more than the witch doctor or wizard being melee and he has skills in his tree that both increase the chance of health globe drops and their 'benefit'. So, right there you can see there are ways to increase orb drops, and that's outside of other leeching type skills, regen skills, etc.
Again, we're not trying to create an aggravating experience. If it's a common issue that you have to run around nearly dead hoping and praying for an orb drop, then we probably messed up somewhere. Or maybe you're terribad at the game. We'll have to wait and see.
再次说明,我们并不打算给玩家带来一个不好的体验。如果在一般情况下(不是打BOSS的时候)出现你不得不祈求一个血球来挽救你濒临死亡的生命的情况的话,那么可能是我们什么地方做得不好。或许现在这样的设定(指上文的血球设定)会给你带来不愉快的感觉,但是到底会不会真的如此呢?就让我们看看再说吧。 小编:其实血球这个问题真的没什么好争论的了,官方都已经说不再出现血瓶的设定的话,玩家们也就不要再纠结了吧,尤其是自己已经说过理解血球设定的那个玩家。不过那个玩家的想法也值得表扬,虽然Bashiok说了不会考虑多拿血球会有增效的设定,但是也松口说会进行一些调整了,大家就知足吧。
玩游戏可以在很大程度上让大家放松放松,但是我建议大家不要把过多的时间投入到工作当中,因为这样的话大家很有可能上瘾,这样不利于大家的工作或者是学习。 |