电脑大家应该不怎么陌生吧!现在电脑已经普及到大多数人的家庭之中了,电脑的用途非常地广,不同年龄段、不同行业的人对电脑的用处不同。但是对于很多的年轻人来说电脑最大的用途就是玩游戏了。电脑游戏大家肯定玩过吧!它可以使人上瘾。 在[暗黑3]里面,暴雪之前说过背包的空间是可以扩充的哦,但是具体怎样来扩充,就没有进一步的消息~~最近有个玩家大胆地提出了自己的想法,结果得到了B大的赞赏和回应。或许,背包扩容的机制正在逐渐浮出水面。 以下为蓝帖时间~~
网友: Blizzard has said they plan on implementing upradable bags in Diablo 3. Meaning that one can find, buy or trade for bags that increase the max number of tems they can carry. Personally think that a scalable inventory that progresses with level would be a better idea. Meaning that at lvl 1 you have a limited number of slots and as you gain levels you gain slots as well (so maybe every 10 or so level you gain a couple slots untill level 100 when you would have a max inventory) 暴雪曾经说过打算在[暗黑3]里面加入升级背包的设定的计划。这就意味着你可以找到、买或者打怪去获得背包从而扩充他们可以携带物品的最大数量(参照WOW的设定)。 个人而言,背包的扩充可以和人物的经验值联系起来。当他在1级的时候,仅有一些背包空间,当他升级的时候,他的背包空间就会同步扩大。然后在100级的时候,他的背包空间也就达到最大值。
In many RPGs buying bags is simply something you do because you have to if you want a decent sized inventory. In the end-game everyone ends up with the same sized inventory anyway because everyone has traded for or bought max level bags. This also means that once the majority of the community has an established char they simply buy bags for their alternate chars so that their lower level alts always have the largest bags they can use for thier level. Personally, I don't look forward to buying bags in an ARPG. I want the items I'm trading for to boost stats and make my character god-like not help them hold stuff. 在现在很多的ARPG游戏里面,如果你想扩大你的背包容量,那么你必须购买而外的包裹。那么在游戏的差不多完结的时候,大家包裹的大小都变得一样了,因为每个人都是买最大容量的包裹来扩充背包容量。这样就以为这,一旦游戏群体里面的大部分人都变得富有的时候,他们通常选择就是去通过买包裹来达到扩容的目的,那么说他们在比较低等级的情况下就可以拥有最大用来的背包。 就我个人而言,我不欢迎这样的机制,我想的是通过我自己打怪来取得成就。
Bashiok: Just a few things off the top of my head regarding upgradable bags. Upgrading storage size is a great reward, and can be much better than any incremental weapon/armor upgrade. (Kills/min could easily calculate out to be much greater without having to stop to clear inventory as much with a bag upgrade as compared to a damage increase from a weapon upgrade.) Building off the last point, it helps add the sense of your character becoming more powerful and gaining more from the time spent playing. Increasing the storage size over time/play experience is a great way to scale the player's sense of the game's complexity. Beginning with a small and limited amount of space teaches the player early on that inventory management is an important part of playing the game - and sometimes generating income. Making and keeping the player aware of their limitations can also help keep a better sense of structure and focus. Being overwhelmed is sometimes as detrimental to a play experience as being bored. Also keep in mind that while we're obviously dropping bag upgrades off of monsters now, we could choose any number of alternative ways to get them to the player. Or maybe a combination of different ways. Whatever, I just wouldn't focus on the 'how' of them being delivered right now. 一些关于背包升级的想法一直在我脑海里盘旋。 升级背包容量是一个很好的做法,和比武器/盔甲的升级相比要好得多。相比武器伤害的提升,背包容量的增加可以大大提升他们的杀敌效率,因为不用经常清理物品栏了。 从最后的那点来说,这样会使得你的角色变得更强,同时使得你在游戏中花费的时间会得到更多的回报。 随着游戏的进程和角色经验来增加背包容量,是一个衡量玩家角色对游戏复杂度认知的很好的办法。 在游戏早期,玩家只有一个小而有限的背包空间,这样会让他们知道物品管理也是游戏的一个重要部分,而且有些时候会获得额外的财富。 让玩家意识到空间的有限性,有助于帮助玩家更好地意识到结构感和集中力的重要性。受打击就和厌烦一样会对游戏体验造成损害。 同时也要注意到,尽管我们现在让包裹明显地从怪物身上掉落下来,但是我们可以选择任何可能的方式让它到玩家手上。也可能是几种方式的组合。不管怎么说,我现在都不想把注意力放在它们怎么掉落上。
玩游戏可以在很大程度上让大家放松放松,但是我建议大家不要把过多的时间投入到工作当中,因为这样的话大家很有可能上瘾,这样不利于大家的工作或者是学习。 |