《暗黑破坏神Ⅱ:毁灭之王》是美国暴雪研发的动作类角色扮演游戏《暗黑破坏神Ⅱ》的资料片,于2001年6月29日开始发行。该资料片增加了第五幕场景,增加了德鲁伊和刺客两个新职业,引入了雇佣兵的升级模板和装备栏,并且增加了专属装备、符文镶嵌、珠宝等大量道具相关内容,以及随新增场景出现的新怪物和剧情。 说明:对英文内容的解释方法是,上一行是英文原文,下一行是翻译文字。请大家看时不要把意思看重复了。 Amazon Class Amulets [亚马逊项链] Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any) + Ith Rune (#6)+ Dol Rune (#14) + Any Other Item magical项链+Jewel(任意) + Ith Rune (#6)+ Dol Rune (#14) +任意其他物品 =Amazon Amulet #1 =亚马逊项链#1 Preset Mods: 预设属性: 10 Faster Attack 10更快速攻击 40 Chance of +1 to all Amazon Skills 40的机会获得+1亚马逊技能 Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ Ith Rune (#6)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16) Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ Ith Rune (#6)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16) = Amazon Amulet #2 = 亚马逊项链#2 Preset Mods: 预设属性: 10 or 20 Faster Attack 10或20更快速攻击 33 Chance of +1 to all Amazon Skills 33机会获得+1所有亚马逊技能 33 Chance of +1 to all Amazon Skills 33机会获得+1所有亚马逊技能 There are two 33 chances for a +1 to all skills bonus. This = 44.89 chance of no bonus, 44.22 chance of +1, and 10.89 chance of +2. 有两个“33机会获得+1亚马逊技能”。这意味着44.89的可能不加;44。22的可能+1;10.89的可能+2。 Assassin Class Amulets [杀手项链] Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ El Rune (#1)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Any Other Item Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ El Rune (#1)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ 任意其他物品 = Assassin Amulet #1 杀手项链#1 Preset Mods: 预设属性: .25 Chance of Deadly Strike per Clvl +人物等级* 0.25 的机会Deadly Strike 40 Chance of +1 to all Assassin Skills 40的机会获得+1杀手技能 A report that this might require an extra gem, a flawless sapphire according to the person who sent in this shot. Another report that a normal skull was required. 有人提出说这个配方还需要一块宝石,其中有人说是一块flawless saphire,还有人说是一块normal skull。 Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ El Rune (#1) + Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16) Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ El Rune (#1) + Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16) = Assassin Amulet #2 =杀手项链#2